Indian wrestler from Haryana Ravi Kumar Dahiya had to face Nurislam Sanayev of Kazakhstan in the Semi-final in Men's Freestyle 57kg category. In the match, Nurislam had a wonderful comeback after the initial setback at the end of the round, where he was 1-2 down.
In the second period, the Kazakhstan Champion caught hold of Ravi's ankles and twirled him around for a few flips, and pushed the scoreboard to 9-2 in his favor. Then muscular Pailwaan from Haryana managed to push him out and scored 5 precious points.
When at around 50 seconds remaining, Ravi was able to catch hold of Nurislam and pin him down for more than 5 seconds and was declared as the winner. Even though he was trailing by 7-9, holding an opponent's shoulders on the wrestling mat for a prescribed period in freestyle wrestling will automatically result in victory 'by fall', irrespective of the score.
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